Glagolske karakteristike arapskog participa aktivnog


Ključne riječi:

arapski jezik, gramatika, particip, active (ism al-fa’il)


The role of participle active (ism al-fa’il) is important in the structure of the Arabic sentence, particularly in non-verbal sentences in which it’s categorical and functional characteristics are being expressed. Because of its verbal characteristics, which is reflected in the realization of verbal government, apart from position which nouns have in sentences can be used in position which originally belongs to the verbs.

Because of that participle active can be found in the position of subject (mubtada) and predicate of noun sentence, than agent or subject of verb sentence (fa’il) and predicate of verb sentence or verb (fi’l), and in that case can have direct object (maf ’ul bihi) and other verb complements in accusative case (mansubat) but itself has position of some verbs compliments. Participle active can be found in structure of agents as its first article (mudaf) and can also be with definite article. About this and other characteristics which enable participle active broad and heterogeneous use in a sentence, this work is about, mainly from syntactic aspect and with essence on his verb characteristics. Participle active shows its verbal government in form of normative agents of verbal aspect and accusative of direct object when, with coming definitive article/elements rather use as in definitive article with tanwinom and that can express present and future tense. When it is used wit alif and lam as an article, participle active without any condition reaches verbal government and can express all three verbal tense. Participle active can be used in construction of annexation as its first article (mudaf) and in that case depends on the context, can express present, future and past tense.

    • Ibn Ya‘íš, Šarõ al-Mufa¥¥al, II, 51; Ibn ‘Aqíl, Šarõ Ibn ‘Aqíl, I, 590-593; Ar- Rañí, Šarõ al-Kåfiya, I, 195; ‘Abbås Õasan, an-Naõw al-wåfí, II, 308; An-Nådirí, Naõw al-luÿa al-arabiyya, 469; Al-Ġalåyíní, Ğåmi‘ ad-durūs al-‘arabiyya,
    • Ibn ‘Aqíl, Šarõ Ibn ‘Aqíl, I, 647; Wright, A Grammar of the Arabic Language, II, 118; Al-Ġalåyíní, Ğåmi‘ ad-durūs al-‘arabiyya, 469-470; An-Nådirí, Naõw al-luÿa al-arabiyya,
    • Ar- Rañí, Šarõ al-Kåfiya, I, 220; ‘Abbås Õasan, an-Naõw al-wåfí, II,




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