The reaction of the Moslems in Russia and the Moslem press in Bosnia on occasion of Leo Tolstoy's death


  • Jovan Jovanović


Gajret, Safet beg Bašagić, Lav Tolstoj, Bosanski Parlament, Muslimansko Glasilo


The Moslems in Russia expressed their mourning through their representatives in the Russian parliament, or by expressing sympathyes with Tolstoy's family in Yasnaya Polyana, or by praing »Dova« in the mosques.

The Moslem press noted the death of the great writer Leo Tolstoy. The periodical »Muslimanska sloga« (No. 22, November 1910.) and the journal »Gajret« (No. 12, 1910., page 198) published texts expressing the deepest esteem for L. Tolstoy and his work. Bosnian Moslems paid their homage to L. Tolstoy at the meeting of their representatives in the Bosnian parliament on 23 th november 1910. The meeting was presided over by Safvet beg Bašagić. At the same time the chairmanship sent a condolatory telegram te the Russian Parliament in Petersburg. The Austro-Hungarian authorities dissatisfied with this action of the Bosnian Parliament reacted unofficially from Vienna.

It is interestingly that a Bosnian, Mustafa Krilaš (a native of the village Gunjani near Kreševo in Bosnia) lived and worked for some while with L. Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana. Krilaš remembered his friend Tolstoy during his whole life, and cherished feelings of deep esteem for him.



How to Cite

Jovanović, J. (1972). The reaction of the Moslems in Russia and the Moslem press in Bosnia on occasion of Leo Tolstoy’s death. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 1(1), 125–130. Retrieved from


