The library and ulema


  • Lamija Hadžiosmanović, dr.


This title suggests a close relation between the library and the ulema and that is the essence of the present paper. It assumes not only the existence of that relation, but also suggests that the relation is retroactive. To be more specific, the library, especially in the begining of the Ottoman rule, was the place which helped the forming of the ulema. But, on the other hand, the ulema built and enlarged the library. This firm relation lasted for centuries and it still lasts, but understandably, of a different quality.

The role and influence of the library especially in the time when cultural and educational institutions were few, was analysed in this paper. There were religious schools with adjoining libraries - those libraries were the first public libraries on this soil. A lot of private libraries were also open to public some of them even had librarians. The development of an intellectual began in the mekteb - medresa, and from there developed in two directions some continued their education at universities in the East, while the others educated themselwes with the help of books.

In order to prove the thesis about the retroactive relation between the library and the ulema, aside from the cultural-historic context, the proof was found in vakufnamas, sidjils seals and margin notes of the transcribers, writers or readers. Ali these sources enabled the establishement of a close relation of the elements appearing in the above title, that is, this paper tries to reconstruct the way of acquiring knowledge.




How to Cite

Hadžiosmanović, L. (1996). The library and ulema. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 259–266. Retrieved from


